Cue the adorableness!

At last! I took photos of all of Farm Sanctuary residents on my last day of work. I must warn you, these pictures may cause the occasional “Awwwww.”























I’m back!

Due to technical malfunctions of my laptop and in between visiting family, I have not been able to post anything for a while. BUT I’M BACKKKK! 🙂

I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since I left Farm Sanctuary and I miss it so much. My last couple of days were extraordinary. Sure, I had work but it was sad knowing I had to say goodbye to all my farm animal friends. It was bittersweet. I still get updates from my coworkers on how everyone is doing. Its unreal that I felt I was leaving a part of my soul there. Acton had been my home for three months and jumping back into a world where not everyone is vegan is a challenge that I had forgotten.

I went to visit my family in Texas for a week and let me tell you, boy it is hard to be a vegan in the BBQ capital of the U.S. Everywhere I went, there were steakhouses and BBQ style restaurants. The smell of meat cooking filled the air and it made me sick to my stomach. You can actually see cattle grazing pastures by the highways and by homes. My first instinct was to jump out of my car and give them love but the feeling was different. These cattle had tags on their ears, numbers instead of names. It broke my heart knowing that within a few shorts months, they would no longer be here. They would be on somebody’s plate. There were calves playing in the field and I knew that someday, they would be stuck in a veal crate waiting for their death. It fills my heart with sadness and anger when I think about it.

That is why we have to make a change. We have to be a voice for these animals that can’t. I’m not saying criticize everyone in your life who eats meat and dairy because then they won’t listen to you . Trust me, I come from a family of vegetarians who can’t give up cheese. However, I find that informing people nicely of how well a vegan lifestyle is sparks their curiosity. When people ask me what I eat and I say everything, they ask me how is that possible. We have to break down vegan stereotypes. I respect vegans who spread the message out there that a vegan lifestyle is the best choice but to get people to change on a deeper level, we have to put the information out there and see what they choose to do with that information. That’s how Farm Sanctuary has impacted people all over the world. It’s how so many see that they are harming animals with spirits and personalities.

Since I am back in sunny Miami, I will still do restaurant reviews of places I went to in California before I start doing ones from Miami. You would think Miami would have a variety of vegan restaurants! I am attending a vegan brunch next week by That Miami Vegan Life so there will be a post on that 🙂

I will post pictures of all the amazing animals that I’ve had a pleasure of working with so stay tuned!

All my love followers,

-Modern Day Vegan

Valentine Birthday

Hey guys! It’s Valentine’s Day and it also happens to my birthday! 😀 I turned 23 today!
We also had a Valentine’s Day event at Farm Sanctuary

It was really nice celebrating my birthday in a selfless way to help animals. Here’s some more pictures of the event!






I hope everyone has an awesome Valentine’s Day and celebrating it with loved ones ❤️

-Modern Day Vegan